
Showing posts from June, 2020


Oooo! This is a good one!! All humans are hypocritical to one degree or another. We can't help it. It's simply how humans are built. No one can stick completely to their values principles and ideas one hundred percent of the time, that is not realistic. My issue(s) come when not only are you ideological to the enth' degree but the ideology is so twisted and broken that it is hypocrisy incarnate. Let's explore this alittle shall we, and considering the mess our current world is in with ridiculous claims of racism and like lets start there. All people are created equal. You say this then guilt and shame white people into kneeling or bowing or paying reparations (oh my god that is the funniest). You ignore Asians and their plights. You ignore the fact that under the law which is there very institution you say is racist all men are created equal. If you are stupid enough to think that if you go to court from some crime that the judge will look at you and simply throw you in...

Throw It Away

Here one second gone the next. Things are made to be thrown away, food, clothing, containers, furniture, electronics etc. What people don't realize tho is that ideas are that way now as well. Wrongly, in most cases but obviously some ideas are outdated and as we progress as a society modes of thinking that no longer serve or are actively harm have to go. But what happens when those ideas are something so basic as "let's not jump to conclusions" or "innocent until proven guilty?" Do we throw them away then? Apparently yes. Doesn't this sound stupid? Are not those concepts are that are important? At what point did these things not matter or did they become not relevant? i cannot understate this: WESTERN CIVILIZATION WAS BUILT ON SOME OF THESE CONCEPTS!!!!! And here is some cold water that does give a shit about whether you agree or not: Western civilization has made more people's lives better and more advanced than any other on planet earth ever ever e...

Intro To The Landfill

Before i start let me just say i know that i will not change your mind. You also will not change mine. Once you take a the red pill and it's hard to buy the bullshit around you anymore. And i am fully aware of the amount of sheep in the world today, living in canada one cannot help but be depressed knowing they share the same country as people who think bestiality is ok. i am fully aware there is nothing i can do to change your narrative, western society today is the epitome of confirmation bias and that goes for the right and the left. However if there is a sliver of some intelligence in your head and this forces a mirror on some ideas that make you uncomfortable then good. Perhaps this is the beginning so that our children's children may be able to live in a world the does not rush to judgement, that values facts and logic. One can dream One man's trash is another man's treasure. Ostensibly true but what does it mean when our once great "western civilization...