
Oooo! This is a good one!!

All humans are hypocritical to one degree or another. We can't help it. It's simply how humans are built. No one can stick completely to their values principles and ideas one hundred percent of the time, that is not realistic. My issue(s) come when not only are you ideological to the enth' degree but the ideology is so twisted and broken that it is hypocrisy incarnate. Let's explore this alittle shall we, and considering the mess our current world is in with ridiculous claims of racism and like lets start there.

All people are created equal. You say this then guilt and shame white people into kneeling or bowing or paying reparations (oh my god that is the funniest). You ignore Asians and their plights. You ignore the fact that under the law which is there very institution you say is racist all men are created equal. If you are stupid enough to think that if you go to court from some crime that the judge will look at you and simply throw you in jail because you are another colour you are simply not living in the reality of today. Did you do a crime? Yes? Then off you fuck do not do it again. Are you innocent whole and true? The by god go free. But do not sit there and think under the eyes of the law if you are of colour you are somehow less than others, that is simply not true. Are there prejudices when it comes to the individuals in the judicial system? Of course, as well as law enforcement. But here is the rub, everyone has prejudices and ALWAYS WILL!!! It's again part of human DNA. Dont think so? Oh ok so you listen to all music? You eat all foods at all times? Do you sleep in a bed? Do you live you're significant other? Do you love and treat others children equally to your own? If you were prejudice then you wouldn't be speaking out about how bad white people are, you wouldn't ignore Asians, or hell it even governs the cloths you were, how clean you are etc. Now should people look at another human and have the prejudice to think that the person is "other?" Of course not, and most people with who have some decency don't act this way. There are bad people, sorry but there always will be. To think you can legislate this attitude away is utterly ridiculous through and through. As an aside, do you know what kills more black people than police? Lupus, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. Get the picture? When you phone 911 do they ask what colour you are? No they just come.  

Slavery exists in the world today still and no one says boo. Where did the word slave come from? It comes from the word 'Slav' which last time i checked had fuck all to do with africa. Having said that SLAVERY IS A HUMAN ISSUE THAT HAS NOT BEEN RELEGATED TO ONLY ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE!!!! Black's, white's, asian's, native americans, middle eastern ALL have suffered under slavery. And collectively blaming an entire race is a tactic the Nazis used as well as every other socialist system, so congrats, when you race shame someone you are acting as the Nazis did.

Whites are oppressors, non whites are victims but race doesn't exist yet i love racial diversity and i celebrate our differences because we are all the same. 

Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? That's because it is. This is what hypocrisy does. 

We live in a tapestry! But taking part in any other culture is appropriation and is there for racist. If you are white, any other race is totally fine. Sound stupid? It is, congrats you are now on the way to realizing why one end of the political spectrum is hideous beyond measure because this is par for the course.

There are no genders but if a girl thinks she's a boy you must accept it and even aid it or you are transphobe. If you don't have sex with a transsexual you are transphobe. A child legally can't get a tattoo, drink alcohol, smoke weed or own a gun but it is absolutely acceptable for said child to choose they're gender (which does not exist remember) and horrifically ruin their bodies for the rest of their lives the entire time being miserable. Keeping up? 

Only police and the government should have guns not average law abiding citizens...but cops are racist and the government is fascist and they should be abolished... 

Still with me? 

It's my body my choice but if you choose to not wear a mask you should be thrown in jail (gotta love that covid fear). Also i can choose to use abortions as birth control but a man is forced to pay child support, also you cannot eat, drink or smoke what you like. 

Bestiality is ok in Canada, i hope i don't need to explain how fucked up this is.

The sea is rising because of climate change but liberal elites are still buying or stilling owning ocean front property. You would think that would be a bad idea? Electric cars do not save the earth from shit. You complain about climate change on an iphone while wearing clothes that were made in factories around the world. 

Pedophilia is just a sexual orientation. Like any other LGBTQXYZTF2 spectrum. i guess if a child can make the choice to spade or neuter themselves this was the logical progression as then clearly a child and choose sexual intimacy right? i once again hope i don't have to explain how mentally fucked up this is. 

Men are toxic unless its for manual labor or military service or any other job that is not desirable to radical feminists. Toxic masculinity is also super fun to watch during sports. 

the list goes on and on and on and it does not stop. Is the right side of the aisle squeeky clean? God no. The difference is the right does not control the main stream anything, therefore it has more leeway when it comes to its own issues as they are generally not so profound and acute. That is simply a symptom of again not being mainstream. Back in the day the roles were switched because of this fact. That is why socialism's evils were not really understood or magnified back in the 50's and 60's as the left part of the spectrum was the counter culture and really thrived shining a light on the mainstream and any apparent issues that were around back then. The longer a right or left side is in the mainstream or in power or both the more loud the counter culture gets. It's always been that way and always will.

Before you bitch and moan about how the left is not mainstream just think of this. Hollywood's best picture last year (or the year before, i honestly try not to watch as Hollywood is literally cancer) was a film about a women falling in love with a fish man (they actually had sex in the film i am told). Normally i would say it doesn't get more fucked up leftie than that but i've thrown out a few points already that makes that seem well adjusted. Tighten your seat belts this bullshit is not going away.


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