Throw It Away

Here one second gone the next. Things are made to be thrown away, food, clothing, containers, furniture, electronics etc. What people don't realize tho is that ideas are that way now as well. Wrongly, in most cases but obviously some ideas are outdated and as we progress as a society modes of thinking that no longer serve or are actively harm have to go. But what happens when those ideas are something so basic as "let's not jump to conclusions" or "innocent until proven guilty?" Do we throw them away then? Apparently yes. Doesn't this sound stupid? Are not those concepts are that are important? At what point did these things not matter or did they become not relevant? i cannot understate this:


And here is some cold water that does give a shit about whether you agree or not:

Western civilization has made more people's lives better and more advanced than any other on planet earth ever ever ever period dot fuck period ever. This is not an argument, this is fact. End of story. Think (rough concept i know but give it a shot), are homosexual people stoned alive for who they love? Or persecuted? No. Shut up, they are not. Are black people institutionally bought and sold? No, shut up, they are not. Were they? Yes they were and there was a war in the United States for that and the United Kingdom actually BOUGHT SLAVES FREEDOM(!!!!) ALL OF THEM IN THE EMPIRE which they (the UK) just paid off in 2015. That's western civilization, not anywhere else. Part of our advancement as a people came from ideas like this. Equality, innocence, contemplation, humanity etc. Throwing these concepts away merely degrades us as people. Were there problems? Of course! And we move forward and improve but you do not throw out the baby with bathwater. 

Look at the news, look at the world around you now. Victim hood, rushing to outrage, virtue signalling, these are rewarded and encouraged. Not thinking or doing whats right or waiting for and following the facts. Why are there more hate crime hoaxes than the crimes themselves? Why are there so many ineffectual and frankly silly acts "look how much i care!" or "look how good i am!" online and throughout the world? BECAUSE PEOPLE STOPPED CALLING OUT BULLSHIT!! People became silent and then rewarded bad behavior. Which had the doubly negative effect of hurting people who actually need help, real victims. Those people are thrown away or pushed aside for nimrod nascar drivers and tv celebrities. The FBI sent fifteen federal agents to investigate a garage pull cord at a nascar race, how many people were ignored because an idiot wanted some publicity? And the sad part is anyone calling out this bad behavior is "racist." 

Now before calling someone a racist had meaning, it meant you done said or did something bad an unacceptable. Now it just means when you call someone racist you are intellectually bankrupt and have nothing tangible to say or add to the conversation. Calling someone racist in today's day and age (and i am speaking in superlatives) just shows you're an idiot and have nothing to say. If you really want to promote change, and help the situation you need to engage and converse. You smash shitty ideas but confronting them not censuring them. You create change from shining light on bad behaviors not by dismissing them and ignoring them. You grow a set of nuts and you stand up and calmly call out bad actors. You don't pull down statues for no purpose, you don't take over good people's property and call it your own, you don't segregate (like BLM is doing), you confront bad ideas, bad actors and bad behaviors and in a calm manner and beat down the conversation with fact and common sense. Even stupid people with evil intentions cannot stand up to solid argument and look ok. Like a weed shot with Round-Up it withers away and dies when shown proper fact. When you argue with nothing but emotion you get... "you're racist!" All in all that does is just strengthen the side of recipient of the racist name calling. How? Well anyone with half a brain cell and a tad bit common sense will see that by calling someone racist you did not dispute anything, you just tried to shut the argument down. 

Now i am not opposed to violence when necessary. i had (and have) family who have been in second world war on both sides in some form or fashion and sometimes bad people need to go, you need to stand up for what is right. However don't you wish that some light was shone on National Socialist ideas and it was shown how morally bankrupt it was? i'll do you one better, don't you wish the moral bankruptcy of socialism was shown far before it lead to the slaughter of over one hundred million people? And counting. Communism was shown evil in the 1970's with the publication of the "Gulag Archipelago" but socialism dragged on even to today, and continues to kill even as we speak. i would rather have had a light pointed at this morally reprehensible ideology early on and have saved all those people than simply ignoring the fact, "getting over it" and just moving on. If you are the type of person can brush over the deaths of over a hundred million people and counting, you are not the type of person i want in my life because that is evil (or stupid) beyond measure. i had family go through the Ukrainian famine (the Holodomor) so defending socialism in any way shape or form is a non starter. But that is for another post.

Now i realize i went off in a few directions here but this is a complex issue so if you hold on tight i will take you through them all. The world today is broken, but it is broken because people refuse to ask questions, to stand of and do the right thing, to not call out evil when they see it. We live today in the best time to be alive in the history of the planet, but intellectually we are regressing because of these issues. Is is ok for a man to have sex with an animal? No, that's repulsive but in Canada (the worst country on earth in my opinion because i was born here) its perfectly fine. You read that right. No protests, no one saying anything. Fucking animals is ok in Canada and no one batted an eye. That is what we are going to try and flush out here on this blog, confronting bad ideas and shining light on shitty behavior. Don't like it? Don't read it. Welcome to the twenty-first century. Strap in there is alot to cover


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