Intro To The Landfill

Before i start let me just say i know that i will not change your mind. You also will not change mine. Once you take a the red pill and it's hard to buy the bullshit around you anymore. And i am fully aware of the amount of sheep in the world today, living in canada one cannot help but be depressed knowing they share the same country as people who think bestiality is ok. i am fully aware there is nothing i can do to change your narrative, western society today is the epitome of confirmation bias and that goes for the right and the left. However if there is a sliver of some intelligence in your head and this forces a mirror on some ideas that make you uncomfortable then good. Perhaps this is the beginning so that our children's children may be able to live in a world the does not rush to judgement, that values facts and logic. One can dream

One man's trash is another man's treasure. Ostensibly true but what does it mean when our once great "western civilization" has fallen into such disrepute that it holds no use to anyone? This blog will be dedicated to mostly philosophical questions and thoughts like this. Bluntly, i pick up the waste of human society for a living, it has hammered truths and values into me in an odd way that my upbringing also did. i see everyday what doesn't matter to people, what holds value and what does not. This thinking has permeated into my everyday life and now it's how i view the world itself, hence the name of this blog and pretty much what it will attempt to "accomplish." i am going to attempt to show you and shine a light on the way you've been taught, they gut reaction way you are thinking, is wrong. 


You have been warned. Don't like what's being said? Don't read it. But make no mistake, this thinking is not going away, the tide is turning and logic and reason are slowly coming back into the forefront of people's minds. Especially when they see how blatantly horrific the MSM is and what they represent. This blog will bounce from higher vocabulary to straight up gutter speech because that's exactly what i am. i have everything in my power and continue to do so to better myself in mind and body, but that does not mean i am not human. i do not get offended by much of everything but i know most others are snowflakes these days so i will attempt to reign it in from time to time. Again, if you don't like it, don't read it. You have been warned.


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