Take Your Mask And Shove It Up Your...

i am not sure who needs to here this but...

Your mask is joke. Your mask just is used for control. And you love it. 

At this point there is no point in attempting to put the genie back in the bottle. For a long time i gave our overlords some slack when it came to covid-19 and watching how spectacularly our very way of life was ruined beyond measure for little more than contagious flu (covid is actually less deadly than the "regular" seasonal flu with a survival rate of 99.84%). At that time no one knew a thing because china in their infinite wisdom (sarcasm) decided not to tell the world was going on and although they shut down internal travel they still aloud international travel, spreading the virus throughout the world and being the major linchpin as the cause of this disaster. Then as i say our overlords decided to go full nuclear and shut down the planet effectively dooming generations to poverty and despair. Hurray! What a good day to be alive!

Now as our completely compromised healthcare system decides to become political with their idiotic attempt to suggest that BLM protests and gay pride parades did not spread the disease but every other protest did (hmmm smells like some more bullshit) we are faced yet again with calls to shut down the planet, all the while ignoring the extreme mental health care crisis caused by this insanity. Deaths from suicide now FAR out number covid deaths, it has also been proven that asymptomatic people are as rare as being struck by lightning. People are jumping up and down with glee at how "clean" the planet is becoming without people working factories or driving, all the while essentially stepping over the bodies of those lost everything and could not face another day being shamed and forgotten. What the healthcare system has done with this protest utter bullshit has shaken the trust people have in it. If they are clearly lying about this what makes you think they were not lying about other things? Now everything must be taken with grain of salt. They have opened the door to be judged on everything, now we can argue the merits of this but there is no doubt that no longer will their advice just be taken at face value. 

i argue that this is a bad thing. It opens the door for crack pot and frankly harmful snake oil salesmen their ilk to populate the theater with more anti-vaxxing bullshit, essential oil crap and who knows what other insane cures. The healthcare system may never again be able to pull out of this nose dive because of what they've done. The sad part is people will suffer for it. In the case of this anti-vaxxing lunacy CHILDREN are the ones suffering and dying! Ya cuz measles is a good thing right? Polo and typhus is awesome for children to have! Hell small pox is nothing right? Any way that is for another rant, all i am trying to convey is the healthcare system and those cowards in it who did not call out this blatant buffoonery have now doomed a large amount of people to death because now we know we can't trust those in healthcare without question as we used to. 

That's what happens when you lie, or do not call out a lie. Now every moment going forward is going to looked at. It takes a second to break a bone, it takes a much longer time to heal it. And the more those in healthcare wade into the political arena the more and more their credibility will go out the window. Everyone knows that politician means liar, is that really something healthcare officials want to be associated with? Where they not getting enough attention or something? No one really likes politicians so why emulate them by parroting bullshit? It boggles my mind why they would even say anything at all. They stood to gain nothing from this. Nothing at all. For starters the left will never think they go far enough and the right thinks (rightly, pun intended) that they hare compromised. We already know the the that the WHO is fully under the pay of china so now who is pulling the strings of healthcare in Canada and the United States? Makes you wonder. Again why they would open themselves up to this scrutiny is beyond me but hey when you aren't taking a chinese paycheck i guess you are aloud to think a little. i find it scary how so many people who are so smart can be so god damn stupid. 

So no, i will not wear a mask. Why doesn't yours work? Doesn't social distancing work? Surely if your mask works and social distancing works then why do you give a shit what i do? Leave me to die a horrible death while you live your masked existence care free. No walking down the grocery isle does not prevent covid. Take a second and think about this stuff. Think how fucking stupid you look trying to shame someone into wearing a fucking mask. Are their vulnerable people? Absolutely and those people need to be cared for a isolated while measures are found to help them. My own grandfather was one. However are these people supposed to be locked in a fucking closest for the rest of their days? That is no way to live just so you have feel control. Was covid a hoax? No, i think it was just misunderstood because china kept the lid on what it actually was so millions across the globe suffered needlessly. Now we understand so much more about this so to shut anything down is absolutely ridiculous. 

Don't you think it was funny that the only solutions that the authorities were coming up with was where a mask, stay home and social distance? It is odd that they said nothing about diet and exercise. Eating properly, getting enough sleep, taking vitamins, living a lifestyle of less stress (stress is more harmful to the body that smoking, just saying) and being social active (studies have shown human interaction is essential to mental health which in turn boosts immunity and energy as well as have a host of other benefits) and even minimal exercise. No they stayed silent on all of that.... makes you wonder then hmmm? Of course why talk about this stuff when we have protests to attend against the police for an absolute NON ISSUE like racism. But hey thank go we got those syrup bottles banned right? World is fixed!!


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