1984 And Today Baaahhhh!!

i find it rather...disturbing the parallels between the dystopian novel 1984 and our world today. What is even more disturbing is the average sheep's willingness to not only ignore these parallels but outright welcome them. There is incredible scientific evidence that illustrates humans need to conform yes but our outright need to conform and show off that we are is truly disturbing. Look with what reckless abandon that people do exactly what the government tells them to do. Without question. Look at the people yelling at the sky like it's the two minutes hate (from the book). Look at how quickly we forget how the government flat out lied to us just months ago, like in the book when the previous wars antagonists were completely forgotten and written out of the history books to conform with the new reality. The re-writing of language has been going to for a while now, that's the issue with these made up gender pronouns. No it does not effect me if you think you are an alien or some other stupid term (grow up, welcome to the real world) what effects me is when you are trying to police MY speech and force me to say your words that have no meaning other than a form of control. Cancel culture, thought crimes, you name it we are all living in that world now and it's sick. 

What drives me is that there is literally no question from most people. Living in canada i understand the whole "conform, be sheep, no question" attitude. Canadians have ALWAYS been like this. Don't believe me? i did a podcast about all of trudeau's corruption and scandals and it took me over three hours to get it all down and i still mostly skimmed most of them, this country (if you could call it that) elected that nimrod twice. As an aside he is embroiled in his third ethics violation of his term cementing him and his liberal party as one of the most corrupt political entities on the planet. The sad part (as if this wasn't sad enough)? Statistically he has been worse for canada than the second world war. Economically canada will never recover, and canadians did this to themselves. That rant just demonstrating that i fully understand the whole "be a sheep and shut up" attitude but i still find it mind boggling that people don't even question what they are being told and then spout.

Take the masks for example. The regular seasonal flu which has a vaccine is deadlier than covid-19 which has no vaccine. Let that sink in for one second. How about this, how long are we supposed to wear these stupid masks (which two months ago didn't work apparently) and social distance and shut down? Till there is a vaccine to make the virus that isn't nearly as deadly as the seasonal flu even less deadly? Sounds kinda stupid no? When you ask how long these measures are supposed to last there is no answer, thus tipping the hand into telling you what these measures are really for, control. And people love love love it. People who have no problem being pro choice jump out of the bushes to call you selfish for not wearing a mask (that is going on the hypocrisy rant 2.0 that i have coming). Having said all that let me lay it out in simple for so i myself can understand...

We as a people are supposed to listen to a government that has no idea when these measures are going to stop, because a virus that is less deadly than the seasonal flu (which has a vaccine) can only be stopped by mask, social distance and walking up and down the grocery isles in a certain direction all the while closing down the entirety of society to keep nursing homes safe seeing as it does not effect really anyone else (obviously there are outliers of people) but don't change your diet, exercise, de-stress, stop smoking or protesting. Oh and don't worry about the mental health crisis that this has created, wear your mask and shut up and shut down. The damage this has done economically, socially, mentally will never ever be recovered from. Lives have been annihilated from the shut downs, marriages destroyed, suicides higher than they have ever been (and there was a suicide epidemic before this even occurred) children growing up more sheltered than they already were. People were all to quick to throw away their rights without question and now shame those who actually had the balls and brains to ask one or two. 

Double think, news speak, the thought police (Scotland Yard actually were policing speech online, yup the cops made arrests if you hurt someone's feelings on twitter), 2+2=5, memory hole, telescreens (the modern day equivalent being Obama's data collecting programs as well as a certain chinese cell phone company) this is all from the book. If you think incorrectly you could lose your job or worse, you have no rights whatsoever and you better not stray from the path so help you god. Wear your mask you selfish bastard or you will be discriminated against. Think about that lovely sentiment. A society in which i am supposed to accept a man who thinks he is a twelve year old girl (or worse) can openly not serve and even arrest someone not wearing a mask. Yup you heard that right, no mask, no rights. And people are ok with that. Remember, this mask (which didn't work three months ago but did before that but didn't even before that, don't question this) is supposed to keep others safe from your virus which has a 99.7% survival rate with no vaccine that you might not even have and most likely don't because asymptomatic people are incredibly rare so you are basically wearing this mask because for an indiscriminate time because reasons... And wait a minute if your mask protects you why do i need to wear one? If we both wear masks why are we social distancing? Outside even? How about we go for that healthy lifestyle thing? No? Just keep up with the masks till the election in the US is over huh? You think it was just mere chance that all this shit hit the fan on an election year? Especially one the elites are poised to lose (im looking at you DNC, France got that shit right, keep it up i dare ya). 

Honestly i could get into that as well but the main spirit of this rant is that you (yes you) are a sheep for no reason. That you handed over your rights without question and now obey every word out of a governmental elite that clearly does not have your best intentions in mind, and a healthcare system that is controlled by said elites. Oh yes i am never letting that whole "BLM protests and riot and gay pride parades don't spread the virus but every other type of gathering does!!" thing go. To me (and anyone with even a little sense in their heads) the system lost a ton of credibility with that very political move when they were supposed to be the one institution that was above such games and just looking out for the people. How can you take really anything they say about this subject seriously after that? Oh that's right, your a sheep. Baaahhhh!!!


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