Chop the Chaz bro!

Have you heard about the CHAZ?

In my opinion this is once again a massive example as to what happens when people don't stand up for what's right and call out bullshit when they see it. What was this sorry excuse for a communist uprising and why was it so stupid? Hold onto your hypocrisy hats because this is a doozy...

Firstly, this sorry bunch of trust fund babies who started this whole mess belong to ANTIFA, a terrorist organization that is bent on communist take over and uses extreme violence (being identical to the Nazis of the 1930's vintage) to forward their aims. Now ANTIFA stands for anti fascists, and they fight fascism by... acting exactly like fascists. Even dressing almost exactly like modern day Blackshirt's would dress. Blackshirt's of course being the original Italian Fascists which started the whole ball rolling. So ANTIFA fights fascism by being fascist and is almost entirely made up of white communist children who are according to those who have infiltrated this sorry club of losers "almost all upper to middle class." So they are rich kid communists fighting fascism by being fascist. It gets better.

These children took over a large portion of downtown Seattle. The mayor ordered the police to stand down and allow it. This was all done in the whole BLM wave which again is a neo marxist organization (according to their founder who has stated this multiple times) and also who only cares about black lives that vote left. If you bring up say black conservatives or black trump supporters or even RESIDENTS OF CHICAGO(which has the highest gun control laws in america, although it jockies position with New York) that are victims of black on black violence.... crickets. But in any event "pick and choose" racist organizations are nothing new but a subject for another post. These two lovely groups took over an area of Seattle called capitol hill and christened it "The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone." First order of business was to take over the police precinct in the area essentially making it completely lawless. Now here is where it gets downright hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time.

The first thing they (the authority of this...none authority area) did was erect barricades/walls around the zone, effectively creating borders which they opposed when trump was doing it. These borders where then patrolled by armed guards who were equipped with AR-15's, which they want to abolish, but border patrol and AR-15's because both are scary or some stupid reason. They also immediately had roaming bands of these...enforcers(?) stopping and searching people deemed to perhaps be an ideological threat, seriously. Now many times both BLM and ANTIFA have come out against "stop and search" programs by police (regardless of the overwhelming data which shows it significantly reduces crime wherever it is introduced but hey, facts right?) but felt the need to install that sort of thing in the CHAZ because... yeaaaahhh. They then set up "courts" which where essentially a council of sorts set up to adjudicate any disputes which might arise in this.... authority free zone. After that they then created an area for blacks only, effectively bringing back jim crow era "laws" with other black only policies, like where you can go or eat or whatever else you do in a lawless shithole.  Food ran nearly ran out on day two of this beautiful mess so what did they do? They ripped up part a park located in the zone and began to plant... tomatoes and lettuce. Google what this pretty garden looked like because it is possible the greatest comedy sketch i have ever seen. i am bar far no green thumb and kill nearly every plant i have ever tried to grow but not once did my poor excuse for a flower bed look like that shitty excuse for a garden. That and the fact they picked several plants that would take a long time to bear any fruit (no pun intended) almost guaranteeing failure. But remember these are kids who don't work and only go to university so they don't learn basic common sense. i believe it was day three they were posting a "list of demands" on the borders of their little country that was essentially begging for vegan food (i am not joking, seriously look it up its hilarious) and basic supplies because as with most socialist uprisings they are good at being bully's but the whole thing falls apart after that. This tho was when it started to get heartbreaking. 

What happens when police do not go to an area of human habitation? Crime. Simple fact. Crime in this zone skyrocketed almost over night. Sexual assault being the most prevalent although this is hard to verify as again police were blocked from entering the zone. Drug crime and violent assaults became the norm and women were essentially on their own. Calls went through the roof but again the police were barred from entering so almost all of the incidents went unpunished and unsolved. The mayor actually had the audacity to call it "the summer of love" all the while many women in the zone were being brutalized for no reason other than "hey, socialism and black lives man." Property damage was rampant, destroying many people's lives both black and white (and every other ethnicity, when it comes to equality at least they were thorough) more than any other police officer has ever. This single event and those before and after it has set back black lives more than any event since the civil rights victory. And people cheered this shit on. Even after the death of two indivduals the mayor still ordered the police to stand down. No intervention was aloud and those people died for nothing. So how is the CHAZ doing today? Still going strong? No. Of course it died. The only thing that made ok to be taken apart was when ANTIFA  and BLM camped out on the mayor's own lawn. Yup only when she was threatened did she call in the police to clear the zone. Black lives didn't matter. It was only when those lefties in power were threatened. That is what is so heartbreaking. BLM is a toy of DNC. ANTIFA is a toy belonging to Soros (another post). These people are pawns and innocent or not people died for these games.

Why didn't trump do something then? Under law it is the responsibility of mayor/governor to call in the national guard, from what i have read trump had no authority and the both the mayor and governor told him to keep the national guard away and stay out of it. Really revealing what this was all about. It was a honey pot. It was bait to try to make trump look like Mussolini. CNN practically laid it all out during this entire debacle. Now left or right or whatever political stance you take doesnt this sound pretty fucking gross that several people died and how many women assaulted just to try to make the president look bad? Anyone with half a soul has to look at this and be sick. Socialism fails again and people suffer for it. How many people are going to have to die for this to get into peoples skulls? This all happened for nothing as the zone is now cleared out, the trash is being cleaned up and bodies are added to bedpost of socialism and they can join the hundreds of millions of people who's lives have been lost for this idiotic ideology. The sad part is people are so stupid and sheep like (i live in canada, we are all about being sheep) this will not be the last time this happens, it wasn't the first. Hell Alcatraz was taken over in the 70's but that lasted almost a year before they were cleared out, again it was leftie psychos from the weather underground. They apparently dont make revolutionaries like they used to. Maybe the next time they try a takeover it'll work! Until that fails and more bodies are stacked up on the alter of marxism and more women (no color need be mentioned) are abused. Who knows how many children were torn apart in this calamity. All pawns in game of trying to bring socialism to america as if that will somehow justify all the pain this has caused. The people involved are so stupid that it's sad and what they do to innocent people is so sad it's stupid. 


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