Got your pills right here man...

This is a companion piece to the podcast which i just released yesterday which can be found here:

i am a steaming pile of hot New Delhi garbage. i am flawed beyond measure. i am selfish and greedy, envious and mean. All this and more. But i will tell you the one thing that seperates me from you. i not only have the coconuts to admit and acknowledge what i am but i am not satisfied with it one single bit. From the jump i am unsatisfied with this wretch that i am and search and work for solutions to this problem that is me from the moment i wake. Do these efforts bear fruit? Most times no. But i am moving my feet in the attempt with the hopes that someday the change will be phenomenal. To me that is, at the end of the day the only person you need to be ok with is you. 

What does this have to do with taking a chill pill? Simple. When you calm your titties and take a breath you see things from a much better angle and a much better view. You see the things that are wrong with you and the space unto which you occupy. You also see the solutions to the issues which are presented. Immediatly? No nothing is immediate. However when you start moving your feet and working at yourself i can tell you the results do come quickly. Quickly is not the same as immediate and make no mistake, you have to work at this and will suck hard at it. But that's kinda life. You will work hard at it and will suck at it for the entirety. However at some point, somewhere along the way you may just come out a better person, and hell that is something to aim for no?

Look around you. What can be solved immediatly? What problems befall you the moment you rise out of bed? Get at it. People make the huge mistake of fucking up then giving up all because (this is super important) THEY ARE TOO PROUD TO AIM LOW!!!

What does the silly douchebag mean about this? Aim low? Doesn't that go against everything i have been ever taught in my life? Exactly. All that teaching and how's it working out for ya? That's what i thought. Aim low. Achieve. Then aim again. Double tap. Rinse repeat whatever you want to call it. Do you go out to the gun range, set up, fire a shot, hit the target once and go home? Hell no, you dump lead down range. Same applies here. You hit the target? Good, go again. And again, and again. Build yourself up the ladder. When climbing up a ladder do you try to skip all the rungs just to get to get to the top? Do you understand what i'm saying? Aim low, achieve, then aim again. Make and easy habit like making your bed every single morning or something like that. When it becomes second nature, aim for something else like twenty-five pushups each morning or something. Shooting for the moon is fine if your nuts, wars are won with many small victories not one prolonged battle. Skirmishes and the like outnumber the huge clashes in every war to date. Treat your life like that, its important to you i would assume so act like it. Start small before you try to change the world. Dr. Jordan Peterson does a much better job explaining this in his books and lectures but how dare you try to change the world around you meanwhile your life is a fucking heap. Work on yourself and you will see the positives pile up. 

Am i good at this? God no. i suck at this worse than you do. But you are taught in football (american and canadian football that is) when you have the ball to keep your feet moving. Get low and keep pushing. Why? So you are always moving forward and gaining yards. Even you are being tackled keep those feet moving, crazy shit can happen when you don't give up. i realize my faults are plentiful and fully accept that some will never change, but i am attempting to rectify the issues that i caused and even those that were thrust upon me. That way i can hold my head high with the knowledge that i gave a shit. i will falter, i will stumble and i will mess up even worse than i have already (hard to believe) but i will wake up in the morning and try again, and again, and again.

So again what does this have to do with taking a chill pill? Well this world will not get fixed if everyone is a mess. So if everyone grows a pair and instead of brushing shit under the rug works on themselves, tells the truth or at the very least call out the lies like BLM and ANTIFA  and the rest of the socialist bullshit then the world will slowly but surely become a much better place. Don't ignore evil. Better yourself. Put good back into the world . Put in some effort in what you do and those around you. The rewards for acting like this will be ten fold, prove me wrong! You claim to care so much but put your money where your mouth is a do something about it. Make the world around you better instead of just bitchin about how awful people have it when that is empirically false in every sense of the word. Sort of, i do have another piece im working on talking about the freedoms of the past and what we have now but that of course will be posted another time. 

To wrap this all up just take a breather and work on yourself. It will be ok and life will get better i promise. Having some pride in oneself and not being a parasite is good feeling. Get out there and be somebody!!


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