Little Bit To Chew On

i wonder if i am the only person who finds it funny and ironic that these mega corporations are using the sjw mental retardation against them and getting them to buy the very products they (the sjw's) swear to hate. Or maybe it just isn't the products it's the corporations these clowns hate but i still find it hilarious to decry capitalism on a iphone posting to instagram while eating at some fast food restaurant. Don't get me wrong, i hate (or pity in this case) anyone who has apparently turned they're brain off so much that they would actually think socialism is ok (it's not) however most of the old school ones are hard working. Like the ones in south america tended to be farmers for the most part so they work hard. These spoiled trust fund dummies on the other hand would most likely cry should they confronted with anything resembling real struggle. 

You would think that going a movement almost completely populated with students would produce a coherent thought or two, or at least have the self awareness to see how fucking stupid they look (as well as act) but i guess when they hit university all that education stuff goes out the window and now goes more along the lines of indoctrination. If you don't think so just understand this... they come out of university thinking there are more than two genders (last count was 92)... a subject that was settled in the 50's when apparently our brains hadn't fallen out yet. Good times! This gender crap is generally thought to be in the realm of grade 5 science although its just too important not to completely dissect in higher education. See i was under the impression that university was for people to learn to become doctors, lawyers, engineers philosophers and the like, silly me. 

However let's take a look at our favorite bench ornament Colin Kaepernick. Since becoming the face of a advertising campaign for nike the company lost millions all the while gathering praise for the "bravery" of the campaign. Just like when dove posted huge losses when they leaned into a campaign of "everyone is beautiful". So maybe people are not as brain dead as appears but i wouldn't count on it. Just something to chew on in any event.


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