Oh Thank Goodness You Posted A Black Square!!

Virtue Signalling. Why talk about it? Because it is stupid that's why. Something more and more this blog is being dedicated to it seems is pointing out stupidity rightly or wrongly. 

What is it? Well defined in the Cambridge dictionary it is:
"an attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media:
Virtue signalling is the popular modern habit of indicating that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favour for certain political ideas or cultural happenings."

But why is that stupid? Simple. You are essentially signalling to people who believe like you that you believe what they believe without actually doing anything to prove it. It is faith without works, which is a huge huge part of being on the left today as putting into practice most of the insanity that they spout would have beyond disastrous consequences. This point is big so remember that. 

We saw this with the aids ribbons on people's lapels as well as the #metoo pins. Most recently we saw this with people posting black squares on their social media accounts to support black lives (as if anyone with half a brain and or soul is against that) after the uproar over violent criminal having a heart attack from rehabilitating drugs in his system while in police custody. The uneducated and frankly silly public jumped on the fashionable band wagon of "police are evil" with the whole black square thing becoming again the "in" thing to do. Why was this stupid? Just a black square right? Well would any racist seeing a black square change his views? Would upon seeing these squares would the big bad meany police all of a sudden be angels? Would a black person see these squares and think "damn, everything is alright now, thank you random person!" Well? The answer to all these questions is no. So why post the black square? It is simply to show you are trendy and in the "it" crowd and if you don't then you are obviously a bad person with bad thoughts. Do you really think big corporations give half a fig about gay pride? If you actually think so i have bad news for you... 

It is just like when celebrities talk about refugees and welcoming them into the country all the while having not one stay with them and not even allowing them to live in their neighborhoods (which are always gated and almost always all white). James Franco on his instagram page had something along the lines of "if you are racist, homophobic or misogynist get the fuck out of here" on his heading. Now reading that would a racist or homophobe listen to James and leave his page? Would a racist or homophobe change there ways? No. It was simply him waving a flag trying to look cool. This is why virtue signalling is so idiotic. You are doing nothing, changing nothing. I give it to the Marxists, they are committed. They are insane but committed. Progressives who just virtue signal are simply playing a part and you should see it for what it is. The world did not change by posting "bring back our girls" and looking sternly. If you want real change you have to do something. Those goes for both the right and the left. 

The right can't just sit back and hope that people will see how stupid these leftie games and tactics are. You have to actively call them out when you see them and work against them whenever they pop up. An example is when you are called racist. Generally this means you are winning the argument if it is one but when you are inevitably called this you can simply point out that calling names is childish and does nothing to further the discussion (if it is one) and is blatantly false. Then if they insist you stop talking to them as there is nothing left to discuss. You have to remember in today's day and age the left does not wish to debate, it goes poorly for them. So when they resort to name calling understand it for what it is, another form of virtue signal. They are showing how great they are by doing absolutely nothing. They call you a name that used to have meaning in the hopes that it will shut you down because how could a racist stand up to the side of light and good. There used to be no cost to throwing out name calling, you would call someone racist and they would slink off into "no i'm not!!" and the discussion would devolve having given one side the "moral highground" and the other being shown to be racist. Now it's much different as people are wising up to this tactic and simply not engaging. And it's simple when you think about it. I know I am not racist, I have done nothing racist in my life so why would my mere existence be seen as that? See it's not. People just want you to think you are. If you know you are not then what does it matter? Obviously there are circumstances where you may need to defend your position but after being in this political realm for longer than a lot of these marxist twats have been alive I do not need their approval, or anyone's for that matter. I know me, i don't need to wave a flag and show how committed to the cause I am. Have you met anyone who is openly for racism? Sure you can see them on TV but have you actually met anyone? No. So why the need to show how great you are? Everyone with half a brain has a default setting that is anti-racist and anti-fascist. That's the basic stance here so you are doing nothing to pile on. 

By all means, post on your social media whatever you like. It's your right. If you honestly think that a black square or a silly pin or some stupidly redundant phrase will change the world, go for it. Just know what these silly gestures are when you see them. There is nothing wrong with posting you opinion or support, but make sure there is a little substance there before you think you are changing the world. You are making yourself look good which everyone does, but nothing more. Know this when you see it and know it when you do it. 


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