Some Blah Blah About Fatherhood

Random thoughts of a father

After listening and reading again to today how many children grow up without fathers i am truly taken aback how this is somehow the cultural norm. At first glance i am infuriated with the men in the this current situation, i think back to my daughter's birth and could not and can not even remotely fathom leaving this little human to the winds of fate. Regardless of the issues with the mother (another post entirely) this little person is here not by choice and must be protected at all costs, period. This is non negotiable. So how then are so many children essentially abandoned? How is this fucking possible? Am i born so different? Yes and no. Self deprecation aside i think the protection and nurturing of a child is the norm for most of human existence, i would hope so in any respect. How then is this possible?

After alittle thought i believe the problem is two fold. One issue being that for a few years now men have systematically been told every single day that you are evil for being a man, for being rough, for liking sports, for trying to pick up women or whatever else "toxic masculinity" bullshit is. But at the same time they are found utterly undesirable should they be anything but a total man. Men are being torn in two different directions of what they are supposed to be every single day, add the race crap and/or political leanings on top of this and you have a mental cocktail (no pun intended) of crazy off the walls bananas. Is this an excuse? Fuck no. However it takes two to bang. Literally in this case. Now if you would like i can get into great detail of the actions a women can do not to have sex with a man, however that can be for another post as i am just addressing fatherhood from my view in this one at the moment. 

Men are shit on all day every day for one reason or another then its some great mystery as to why they bolt when the going gets tough. Or the other side of the coin when the woman leaves for one reason or another, again i don't care how flat you make a pancake there are still two sides. So how is this for a radical idea; instead of teaching little boys they are evil and should be girls, to give up being rough, to give up being a goof or being silly, you embrace your boy and actually let boys be boys. Is it a wonder that for the first time in human history we have a masculinity crisis? A clue Sherlock!! News flash, guys are pigs, always have been and always will be. Locker room talk is not something you would repeat in church and that's fine. Things like this are almost locked into our DNA and will never ever change no matter how much you police it and attempt to destroy it. Several people who have done awesome videos and other work on this are Stefan Molyneux and Paul Joseph Watson. Women have been progressively getting more miserable every year for the past two decades, and men have been getting "less man like" during this exact same timeline. 

But what about girls? We talk all this jazz about how we are raising boys how about how we are raising our girls? Do they have they same standards as they used to? The male figures in their lives tend to leave and abandon the family or get divorced and tear the poor kid in how many directions as both parents move on and build new family's and keep the cycle going. Are we teaching our girls its ok to be a girl? Are we teaching them they don't have to be a man or beat a man? There is no war between the sexes, men are men and women are women. Both were made to do what the other cannot and THATS OK FOR FUCKS SAKES!!!! Why is it so wrong for a woman to want to have children and family? Why is wrong for her to love her husband? Listening to alot of the feminist ideas out there and finding out a "Thot" is and what a "Simp" is just leaves me with a migraine.

To wrap this up all i would like to say is that we tear the family apart and then wonder why our kids are fucked. There is no greater joy or gift to be given than that of being a parent. i love being a father, i only associate with people who feel the same way. Is it tough? Umm duh. Hardest thing i have ever done. But i would not change it for a second. Circumstances my daughter is growing up in? Of course i would like better for her, she is a child and deserves more than the world as every child does. But i would not change her or change how she came to be ever ever ever. She is a gift, EVERY CHILD IS A GIFT and to look at them any other way is cruel to a point i can't even imagine. That little person is absolute innocence and you owe them everything. And news flash that is not a punishment, that is lottery win. It's a struggle every day to be the best person i can for the little munchkin because that is what she deserves. That is another piece of this chapter in my life where i am trying to improve, adapt and evolve to become the best i can be. This thinking is fundamental throughout many people's lives today when it comes to betterment, when it comes to making the best out of life. Our children deserve it, our partners deserve it, we our very selves deserve it.


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