Tell The God Damn Truth

Tell the damn truth!!

i am a liar. Straight up. i have lied here there and everywhere, over and over and pretty much about everything. Why do i tell you this? Does this discredit me? i hope not, but ultimately that choice is up to you. i can only give you advice that i have acquired through fucking up royally for the last thirty odd years. However i try to save you the misery of the misery i caused. i look around and see much of the same behavior and after reading and listening to much expertise alot of what ails this planet and its people can easily be rectified by simply telling the damn truth. Or at the very least not lying. "Do these jeans make me look fat?" questions aside, what i am talking about is more primal than that, is more personal.

Throughout this mudslide of life i have latched onto this "personal improvement" movement or whatever you want to call it. Something central to this telling the truth or at least not lying. Dr. Jordan Peterson does a much better job explaining this but i can tell you from personal experience the results from doing this are very powerful and can come quickly once applied. It's hard and it's scary but if you want anything to change in this life this is where you start. i have since waking to this knowledge done everything i can to tell the truth, or not lie and the big one i want to talk about here is calling out harmful bullshit when you see it.

We as a society are sick with this chickenshit attitude of allowing or rewarding bad behavior. What do i mean by this? Look at the celebrities we venerate. Or the political figures we "love." Hell even look in your own lives and see who you let slide in your own life by not calling out their bullshit. You are lying by omission and that simply enables this crap to continue. If you don't treat the sickness when presented with the symptoms you can't expect to heal. It's one thing to let your friend who's talking smack or whatever slide, that's baby time stuff. i am talking about harmful stunts like Smollet and Bubba bench warmer Kaep with their race baiting bullshit, attacking and trying to cancel people and shut down people just because you don't agree. Or picking and choosing what you call out. Call out one side of the isle but not your own. Or this is huge; ignoring when this shit happens, or "understanding" why people are carrying out violent bad behavior. That is huge, massive and mountainous! It's chickenshit to sweep it under the rug, its chickenshit to ignore it, and its both cowardly and next to evil just to stand pat and "understand" why people do these violent things. You don't understand why violent mobs kill maim and destroy, you call it out for what it is, unacceptable in a modern society. Violence is the language of the state, and when you are violent the state knows exactly how speak to you. You don't win people by being violent, and when it comes to our society you have to win everyone or not at all, look at the civil rights movement. Which was WON by the way. Yup you heard that right, it was won, what are you fighting for? You want to change people's attitudes or thinking (debatable) by killing and destroying? Sounds like a great way to get hearts and minds behind your movement. The civil rights movement was won by shining a light on brutality and evil, not by burning and destroying, killing and raping innocent people. It was largely won with one single photo (obviously not entirely but this one photo had a HUGE impact) that shows a black man having dogs set upon him by the police in Birmingham Alabama. That photo did more than any violent clashes or threats or anything else because innocent people across the US saw that and were rightly disgusted. Hate to break it to you but white and black people NEED each other. It's not a zero sum game. All ethnic groups are needed when coming to fixing issues of race. You don't want to talk about Latinos? Asians? What about Europeans? They don't count? Ignoring those people and just being violent does nothing but cause and create anger and hate and simply begets more violence. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant this is the truth.

So call out this bullshit. Stand up for what's right. Tell the goddamn truth! The truth is things are not that bad, sorry but the ideological rhetoric that is being spouted by the fake news media and Marxist organizations is blatantly false. If you look at statistics and evidence we are living in the greatest time of human history. Minus a great deal of elites attempting to make it worse but that again is another post. The fact of the matter is that this world has been lied to when it comes to when it was ending (every couple of years if you believe climate activists), lied to when it comes to how bad people have it (there has never been more wealth and prosperity spread across the globe), and on and on it goes. If you still trust the lame stream media at this point you're and idiot plain and simple. If you live in canada and haven't been pissed about the trudeau calamity i got bad news, you're a tool, sorry but you just aren't paying attention. And that's the scary thing, people are "see no evil" the whole way here. Let it go the cry, ummm that didn't really work in the 1930's and alot of bad shit happened as a result. So it comes back to once again telling the truth. Are cops racist? No. Period. End of discussion. Are there bad cops who shouldn't be cops and cause far more harm than good? Duh. Get those guys out of there. But don't come at an important discussion with phrases like "a whole lot kill people" because that is beyond bullshit and simply an opinion that is wrong. Saying you "understand why the protesters are violent" is ludicrous. Why? If you can understand shooting someone for a tv (like the "protesters" did, not all but it happened) you are beyond help and should stay away from any sharp objects. Senseless violence is bad behavior and you need to grow a spine and call this out. i am standing up for my values and principles and am bringing as much logic and reasoning as i can, when confronted to back up my statements i provide facts, im no martyr but i sure have bigger britches than someone signing off on violence and hate because they were fed some bullshit by news.

Be your own person. Do some research. Read a god damn history book before the lefties burn them all. And then have the mental fortitude to call out the bullshit when it comes about. Smollett and Bubba race baiter need to be called out for acting like children, you would be raked across the coals so why are they different? You sign off on violence what happens when i comes for you? Where is your pitchfork? Ah that's right, it's easier to shut up and be a sheep than it is to actually act like a god damn adult and tell the truth. Am i perfect? Hell no. i have done more harm than good in the world and now When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Its called growing up. i understand my wrongs and am attempting to right them. Sweeping shit under the rug does nothing to help this. Lying or not tell the truth makes things worse. So grow up, grow a set of balls to call out lies when you see them and lets move on together trying to improve our lives, improve ourselves and not be ok with violence and destruction. Be a fucking adult. Out.


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