What Happened?

Well that didn't take long now did it?

Turns out when you completely invalidate your entire movement by rioting, looting, insulting and basically showing the world you're ineptitude and psychopathy by being the biggest tools possible kind of takes the wind out of those sails. Violence and ridicule sort of drive people away from an ideology of insanity and then to top the cake off by actually being a NON ISSUE when confronted with the statistics and common sense makes this entire insane period of 2020 just another example as to how 99.9% of people who react at all to the events of the past few months are sheep doing exactly what the media tells you. You didn't think for yourself, you just jumped to nearest conclusion you could. All the while being invalidated by the actual evidence that emerged. It's not your fault, you've been trained since you were a child to do what you are told and even have a biological need to conform. But if our civilization or whatever is left of it is going to survive we have to learn to break these habits and learn from bullshit of this year. 

Logic and reason need to come into play here. Slow down. Think for fuck sakes. i myself am guilty of this to large extent because i am drawn to the emotion of what i am reading, it is a mental workout to try and divorce from this every time i read or hear or see something that outrages me. The mob mentality is what ruled for these last few months, especially after being locked away and shut down. The issue here is that what has happened has the possibility of becoming the new normal (as out feckless overlords coined) because people are dumb and don't have any self reflection. 

i am also well aware of conformation bias. Which simply means when people are confronted with fact invalidating their opinions it just entrenches them even further into their belief. So that is why i am sure i won't change your mind here. People are programmed and that just doesn't go away. Other wise the insanity of socialism would have died out in the 70's when it was exposed for the murderous blood drenched ideology that it is. Why didn't i post a black square? Because according to the data this whole racism thing is a non issue. And look now, not a peep. Most people are tired of this, they are tired of being called evil and horrible just because of the color of their skin. You heard that right, because you are born white you are a horrible person and need to be educated. Sounds pretty awful right? To look at a infant and think "wow you are an awful person because you are white!" Racism cuts both ways. If you have a statement, say "black lives matter" and switch the word black with the word white and think "omg that racist!!" i got bad news for you... it was racist to begin with. You can't pick and choose what's racist, you can't pick and choose which data works for your narrative, you can't cherry pick things people say as proof positive that what you are saying is correct, you have to listen to what they say in its entirety and go from there. That is just a simple test to play when you think you have something to say. This is not a difficult thing to do. Think!! 

If these racist issues were such a huge thing, why is there silence now to a big degree? Oh that's right you don't understand how revolutions go because you've only read comments and not books. Read a history book (before they burn them all, like the nazis did, to save us from being... nazis? lol) The French Revolution took a long time, the communist revolution in Russia took a long time, china even longer. We live in an instant society so these numpties out in the streets think "well it's been a week so where's my whole new country? Where are all these changes?" Change takes time whether you like it or not. You also need to be inclusive, you can't segregate a large portion of society and keep vilifying them and think that's going to work. And the fact i have to even write this is so sad, what has our society come to when people riot and kill destroy and all that is said is "well i understand why that black store owner was shot for a tv." That is sick and there is no defending either the statement ("i understand... )or the violence in the statement. 

All in all i remain hopeful. i will raise my won daughter to know she is not a victim, to know she is strong and do anything she puts her mind to. She is no one's puppet and she is responsible for her future. She will not be taught to hate her existence because of the color of her skin or the country she was born in. She has the power and responsibility to live her life free of guilt a shame, but also she is charge of her own actions and nothing in the past holds sway over her. If more people raised their kids like this i think we wouldn't see this victim culture where people are rewarded for being "oppressed", you are not or at least not by the people who you think you are. Have courage, stand up for yourself and stop being a sock puppet. Calling someone racist doesn't make you right, it means you have no argument. Get one, a real one, a proper one. Teach you're children to think, logic, evidence, fact. Not emotion and knee jerk reaction "you're a racist!!" We can dig ourselves out of this idiot storm we find ourselves, but it starts with you, so do something! 


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