You Don't Know What Jackboots Are Kid

Just for alittle clarification when it comes to the "jackboots" that the MSM is blabbing about in Portland and i believe i saw a video about Seattle as well, i'd like to point out a few things. 

First, to most people this will be obvious but i figure it should be said again... DON'T BREAK THE LAW ASSHOLE!!!! If you break the law which these thugs ANTIFA are videoed and eye witnessed doing, you are going to be arrested. Peaceful protests does not involve shooting fireworks into federal buildings, tearing down fences to build another chop, assaulting anyone who isn't dressed like and acting like fascists etc. Again i thought it was common knowledge that if you break the law you will go to jail but hey i guess idiots need to be reminded. My bad

Second, many of these... children at least in the mental sense, are being merely detained for questioning, which is not against the law. They are then being released. Being detained and being arrested are two different things, legally and literally. Again, not that hard to figure out. 

Third, the governors and mayors of these cities have legal authority to shut down riots and such, they just refuse to. And believe it or not there are some people who don't like their homes being invaded, burned, looted and ransacked in the name an issue that does not exist. The only point where those in power in these shitholes actually gave a shit is when the mob came for them. Other than that they just let ANTIFA and their ilk run roughshod through the city for literally no reason. 

Fourth, "omg these uniformed agents are using unmarked vans and just abducting people!!!" For those of you who don't know police routinely use unmarked vehicles because they don't want the bad guys to run away. Again they are not abducting the ghosting people they are for the most part detaining and question and releasing if the suspect has done nothing wrong. Keep in mind, these are not peaceful protests, they are violent riots. The litany of video evidence of the senseless violence is overwhelming at this point and to deny it as anything other than what it is is truly ludicrous. 

Now i think it will be helpful to explain and give some examples of what actual stormtroopers where doing back during the time of actual Fascism. FYI i have been reading and studying about fascism/socialism in all its forms since i was twelve. It's not cool to just throw that term around so easily degrades and insults the victims of these crimes

1) Curb stomping along with other forms of generalized assault. Yup this is where it somewhat originated or at least was documented. Germany and Spain being the big ones but finding its way to the other Fascist nations as well. Soviet Russia also practiced this but again it was really just a nasty thing people in power did to those they deemed inferior for one reason or another. 
2) Actual abductions. In Soviet Russia 1/3 people in any group (even families, yes you read that correctly) were government informants. Children spoke out against their parents, brothers and sisters, in-laws you name it, all ending in a knock at the door in the middle of the night and never being heard from again. Not catch and release, catch. End of story, fade to black. 
3) Ever heard of Kristallnacht? Yes this was a thing and actually happened. SA stormtroopers went through the streets destroying jewish businesses and property. Assaulting them and anyone else who stood in their way. Sounds kinda familiar....
4) Intimidation. They would literally ruin the lives of everyone around you so that you would be cast aside for fear of more violence and reprisals. Again this is almost identical to what the left does today. That is not by accident. 

A cursory google search can show you the pictures of these crimes and some of the tactics used therein but it drives me off the deep end when people throw these terms around like they are meaningless. The term racism literally means nothing at this point and nazi and fascist are soon to follow. When you have no idea what are you talking about you simply degrade the conversation and make it damn impossible to be taken seriously in the future. No one arrested or detained in Portland was taken to a grimy basement and shot. That actually happened and still happens in china today. Loser brats are being arrested if they broke the law and let go if they didn't. Pretty standard fare i thought but considering the times we live basic concepts need to be addressed over and over. Don't want to deal with police? Don't break the law. Corrupt law or not is irrelevant. The Māori people in New Zealand actually took the government to court and won their rights without a large scale uprising (minus a few hiccups here and there of course) and they are all the better for it. Yes New Zealand still has their own issues but that does not diminish the fact that change was enacted peacefully and far more meaningfully than violence ever did. To finish up what was supposed to be a short rant (if there is such a thing with me) just remember this, i believe it was John Lennon that said that 

“When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor.”


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