
Showing posts from July, 2020

Canada Sucks

It is said that a country deserves its leaders, well i guess that tells you what i think about Canada now doesn't it? As once again we (no pun intended...oops alittle early on the joke) are yet again embroiled in a scandal that involves our fearless leader and his corrupt and nutless cabinet i am forced to actually wonder out loud...again... How on earth did this happen? Not the scandal (involving the WE charity, see that's where the joke was from) because at this point the amount of times i've said "told you so" is beginning to give me lock jaw i'm saying it so much. No what i mean by "how did this happen?" is referring to electing one of the most corrupt politicians from one of the most corrupt political party's on planet earth. The answer sadly is clear...Canadians, that's how this happened.  For most of my life i have been proud to be Canadian, seeing our country as a bright spot in a world so dark. Welcoming with a mix of all sides of th...

You Don't Know What Jackboots Are Kid

Just for alittle clarification when it comes to the "jackboots" that the MSM is blabbing about in Portland and i believe i saw a video about Seattle as well, i'd like to point out a few things.  First, to most people this will be obvious but i figure it should be said again... DON'T BREAK THE LAW ASSHOLE!!!! If you break the law which these thugs ANTIFA are videoed and eye witnessed doing, you are going to be arrested. Peaceful protests does not involve shooting fireworks into federal buildings, tearing down fences to build another chop, assaulting anyone who isn't dressed like and acting like fascists etc. Again i thought it was common knowledge that if you break the law you will go to jail but hey i guess idiots need to be reminded. My bad Second, many of these... children at least in the mental sense, are being merely detained for questioning, which is not against the law. They are then being released. Being detained and being arrested are two different things,...

1984 And Today Baaahhhh!!

i find it rather...disturbing the parallels between the dystopian novel 1984 and our world today. What is even more disturbing is the average sheep's willingness to not only ignore these parallels but outright welcome them. There is incredible scientific evidence that illustrates humans need to conform yes but our outright need to conform and show off that we are is truly disturbing. Look with what reckless abandon that people do exactly what the government tells them to do. Without question. Look at the people yelling at the sky like it's the two minutes hate (from the book). Look at how quickly we forget how the government flat out lied to us just months ago, like in the book when the previous wars antagonists were completely forgotten and written out of the history books to conform with the new reality. The re-writing of language has been going to for a while now, that's the issue with these made up gender pronouns. No it does not effect me if you think you are an alien ...

Oh Thank Goodness You Posted A Black Square!!

Virtue Signalling. Why talk about it? Because it is stupid that's why. Something more and more this blog is being dedicated to it seems is pointing out stupidity rightly or wrongly.  What is it? Well defined in the Cambridge dictionary it is: " an   attempt   to show other   people   that you are a good   person , for   example   by   expressing   opinions   that will be   acceptable   to them,   especially   on   social   media : Virtue   signalling   is the   popular   modern   habit   of   indicating   that one has   virtue   merely   by   expressing   disgust   or   favour   for   certain   political   ideas   or   cultural   happenings ." But why is that stupid? Simple. You are essentially signalling to people who believe like you that you believe what they believe without actually doing an...

Take Your Mask And Shove It Up Your...

i am not sure who needs to here this but... Your mask is joke. Your mask just is used for control. And you love it.  At this point there is no point in attempting to put the genie back in the bottle. For a long time i gave our overlords some slack when it came to covid-19 and watching how spectacularly our very way of life was ruined beyond measure for little more than contagious flu (covid is actually less deadly than the "regular" seasonal flu with a survival rate of 99.84%). At that time no one knew a thing because china in their infinite wisdom (sarcasm) decided not to tell the world was going on and although they shut down internal travel they still aloud international travel, spreading the virus throughout the world and being the major linchpin as the cause of this disaster. Then as i say our overlords decided to go full nuclear and shut down the planet effectively dooming generations to poverty and despair. Hurray! What a good day to be alive! Now as our completely com...

Little Bit To Chew On

i wonder if i am the only person who finds it funny and ironic that these mega corporations are using the sjw mental retardation against them and getting them to buy the very products they (the sjw's) swear to hate. Or maybe it just isn't the products it's the corporations these clowns hate but i still find it hilarious to decry capitalism on a iphone posting to instagram while eating at some fast food restaurant. Don't get me wrong, i hate (or pity in this case) anyone who has apparently turned they're brain off so much that they would actually think socialism is ok (it's not) however most of the old school ones are hard working. Like the ones in south america tended to be farmers for the most part so they work hard. These spoiled trust fund dummies on the other hand would most likely cry should they confronted with anything resembling real struggle.  You would think that going a movement almost completely populated with students would produce a coherent though...

What Happened?

Well that didn't take long now did it? Turns out when you completely invalidate your entire movement by rioting, looting, insulting and basically showing the world you're ineptitude and psychopathy by being the biggest tools possible kind of takes the wind out of those sails. Violence and ridicule sort of drive people away from an ideology of insanity and then to top the cake off by actually being a NON ISSUE when confronted with the statistics and common sense makes this entire insane period of 2020 just another example as to how 99.9% of people who react at all to the events of the past few months are sheep doing exactly what the media tells you. You didn't think for yourself, you just jumped to nearest conclusion you could. All the while being invalidated by the actual evidence that emerged. It's not your fault, you've been trained since you were a child to do what you are told and even have a biological need to conform. But if our civilization or whatever is lef...

Tell The God Damn Truth

Tell the damn truth!! i am a liar. Straight up. i have lied here there and everywhere, over and over and pretty much about everything. Why do i tell you this? Does this discredit me? i hope not, but ultimately that choice is up to you. i can only give you advice that i have acquired through fucking up royally for the last thirty odd years. However i try to save you the misery of the misery i caused. i look around and see much of the same behavior and after reading and listening to much expertise alot of what ails this planet and its people can easily be rectified by simply telling the damn truth. Or at the very least not lying. "Do these jeans make me look fat?" questions aside, what i am talking about is more primal than that, is more personal. Throughout this mudslide of life i have latched onto this "personal improvement" movement or whatever you want to call it. Something central to this telling the truth or at least not lying. Dr. Jordan Peterson does a much be...

Some Blah Blah About Fatherhood

Random thoughts of a father After listening and reading again to today how many children grow up without fathers i am truly taken aback how this is somehow the cultural norm. At first glance i am infuriated with the men in the this current situation, i think back to my daughter's birth and could not and can not even remotely fathom leaving this little human to the winds of fate. Regardless of the issues with the mother (another post entirely) this little person is here not by choice and must be protected at all costs, period. This is non negotiable. So how then are so many children essentially abandoned? How is this fucking possible? Am i born so different? Yes and no. Self deprecation aside i think the protection and nurturing of a child is the norm for most of human existence, i would hope so in any respect. How then is this possible? After alittle thought i believe the problem is two fold. One issue being that for a few years now men have systematically been told every single da...

Got your pills right here man...

This is a companion piece to the podcast which i just released yesterday which can be found here: i am a steaming pile of hot New Delhi garbage. i am flawed beyond measure. i am selfish and greedy, envious and mean. All this and more. But i will tell you the one thing that seperates me from you. i not only have the coconuts to admit and acknowledge what i am but i am not satisfied with it one single bit. From the jump i am unsatisfied with this wretch that i am and search and work for solutions to this problem that is me from the moment i wake. Do these efforts bear fruit? Most times no. But i am moving my feet in the attempt with the hopes that someday the change will be phenomenal. To me that is, at the end of the day the only person you need to be ok with is you.  What does this have to do with taking a chill pill? Simple. When you calm your titties and take a breath you see things from a much better angle and a much ...

Chop the Chaz bro!

Have you heard about the CHAZ? In my opinion this is once again a massive example as to what happens when people don't stand up for what's right and call out bullshit when they see it. What was this sorry excuse for a communist uprising and why was it so stupid? Hold onto your hypocrisy hats because this is a doozy... Firstly, this sorry bunch of trust fund babies who started this whole mess belong to ANTIFA, a terrorist organization that is bent on communist take over and uses extreme violence (being identical to the Nazis of the 1930's vintage) to forward their aims. Now ANTIFA stands for anti fascists, and they fight fascism by... acting exactly like fascists. Even dressing almost exactly like modern day Blackshirt's would dress. Blackshirt's of course being the original Italian Fascists which started the whole ball rolling. So ANTIFA fights fascism by being fascist and is almost entirely made up of white communist children who are according to those who have inf...